General Evil Two: DISHONESTY

I could probably say for without much debate that Jerrica/Jem is the penultimate of a dishonest person, but since I'm here I may as well 'back myself up'.

Her very existance as Jem is a lie. This generally goes without saying, as she 'created' Jem to enter the Battle of the Bands, and has been using her as an alter-ego ever since. This eventually develops into what can only be considered full-blown schizophrenia as 'Jem' involves herself in the life of 'Jerrica' to the point she's called Kimber her sister several times, answered to the name 'Jerrica' - most notably to the Starlight Girl Krissie in the 'Starbright' miniseries - as well as considerable other gaffes in where 'Jem' and 'Jerrica' coincide... That she falls so deeply into this muddle of an 'alter-ego' so quickly shows she had a fairly tenuous grasp on reality to begin with, but we'll chalk that up to her grief at the death of her father.

Her relationship with Rio is a lie. This is a major bone of contention throughout the series, as Rio is a VERY hard-line moral-type person, et al: 'I hate deception, and I despise liars', and Jerrica is caught in something of a dilemma, since as 'Jem' she is both at once. Further, every day she maintains the facade will no doubt be fuel to the fire of his anger, so she pretty much just clams up and keeps him in the dark. While I give her the benefit of the doubt with her relationship with Rio as Jerrica, pure reason suggests that since they were childhood sweethearts she MIGHT have caught a clue about his jealously protected integrity at some point, and kept their relationship intact by simply maintaining a 'business' relationship while in the guise of Jem. That she did not do so pretty much invalidates her relationship with him altogether.

Her relationship with her 'sisters' Aja and Shana is a lie. Aja and Shana are pretty continuously dumped on throughout the series, and fairly callously to boot. According to what I know about foster care, children are moved after a certain time to avoid making emotional attachments to their care-givers which would be to their detriment should they manage to be adopted (which is generally considered the goal). Aja and Shana stayed with the Bentons until they were adults, and are considered sisters to the Benton girls - in theory. In PRACTICE, however, when Jerrica and company won full control of the company, only Kimber (the blood sister) received any stock - as was evidenced in 'the Bands Break Up' wherein Eric attempted to swindle Kimber through proxy out of 'her half of Starlight'. Moreover, Shana and Aja are treated like underlings and generally made to feel like they should just shut up and do as they're told. 'Okay, you're the boss'. Should they balk or chafe at this, Jerrica goes into her 'Caesar' act and cries about how everyone's turning against her which brings them back under her thumb for more pretty much out of shame.

Her being 'good' is a lie. Everything I've written thus far serves to back that one up, so I'll digress.

Conversely, the 'evil' Misfits/Stingers present themselves as they are in a fairly up-front 'gangway we're coming through' fashion, and we should 'take it or leave it'.

On to General Evil Three