General Evil Four: CALLOUSNESS
It is pretty much accepted that the Synergy Machine is an awesome weapon that must be kept from the wrong hands, but Jerrica shows a remarkable tendency to use it as a weapon without a thought to the consequences. Then again, since the consequences are generally to the detriment of those that oppose her she pretty much just goes ahead anyway because 'they deserve it'. This is pure callous behavior without question.
For example, forming the image of a tree in the path of an escaping Clash with the donated filming supplies for the Starbright movie. Sure, it was INTENDED to 'just' make her stop, but she could very well have panicked, swerved onto the sidewalk and crashed. This was not even considered as a possibility - despite that it was not only possible but PROBABLE - only that 'she must be stopped'. Showtime.
Other examples that could be considered as such include using the SM to make the image of a roc (scary giant bird) to 'scare' Pizzazz - at the time on a hang glider hundreds of feet above the concrete of the city - in retaliation for Pizzazz wrecking her billboard with a laser-gun. This is arguably an example of tit-for-tat, as the sign crashing into the building could have injured the Starlighters. However, Pizzazz didn't mean to collapse the sign - only draw a moustache on her rival, and the collapse can be considered an 'accident' since she wasn't aware of how powerful the laser was. Conversely, Jerrica knew full well that such an image as presented could scare Pizzazz and cause her to crash - in fact that being the INTENT. 'She deserves it'. Other notable uses are her interfering with Pizzazz during a CAR RACE, and making a tree in front of a skiing Roxy. Both were intended to make them crash, but it's okay because, again, they 'deserve' it.
Moreover, Jerrica proceeds in her dealings without so much as a thought to those in her own 'family'. Anyone that offers a conflicted view to hers is accused of 'turning on her' without so much as a thought that said differing view could be of merit. Further, should anyone not do exactly as told WHEN told, they are dismissed as 'being a brat' - notably Kimber not ponying up a Father's Day song that JERRICA promised to Video, without a thought that Kimber may feel somewhat saddened over the subject material. Then we can consider her leaving her whole family 'holding the bag' when she goes off boating with Riot and winds up shipwrecked; or her hiring on Regine as a fashion designer, despite already having one in the already known to be insecure Shana as further examples of her callousness. Shana's treated pretty shabbily throughout the series, being replaced several times in the band and as a designer, but she takes it on the chin and finds some other way to contribute to the cause and get back on the 'good side' of Jerrica. This shows self-esteem of such a low level that Stormer looks like Pizzazz by comparison, and for Jerrica to use that to keep Shana in line can be said to be pretty callous, which is why I'm saying it. Heh.
Conversely, the 'evil' Misfits, upon learning that Jem and the Holograms may be killed in an assassination attempt rush to the aid of their 'enemies' - Mr. Raymond even going as far as shielding them from the falling debris of a collapsing tower. Strange behavior from 'cheap trash' and a 'slimeball', isn't it? Jerrica even reacts with surprise at this, which suggests that if the shoe was on the other foot there'd likely be one less band for Jem to compete with.
I could probably do this all day - in fact, it seems I have. These thoughts are meant to simply be my interpretation of the characters, and not an attack on anyone - especially not those affiliated with the series. One could question how I could see so much evil in there, but I'll just smile and say that I'm probably 'just more receptive to picking it up'. Heh.
Hopefully, this will let one observe the shows in a new perspective and promote debate - even if that debate turns out to be just people screaming bloody murder at me. By my estimation, any reason to rewatch the shows is a 'good' one, eh?
Parting Thought:
Considering that WITH the Synergy Machine at her disposal, Jem only manages narrow margins of victory over her 'competition' at best, it suggests through practice that WITHOUT said device to fall back on, things would turn out completely different.
Show's Over!