Example Five:

The Misfits step in - distraught at their 'coming in second' at their own show - and proceed to run Jerrica and the crew off the road in retaliation for their interference. Was it correct to do so? Of course not. However, women are emotional creatures and as a logical creature I can understand how they may see it as 'teaching that meddler a lesson'. This is clearly 'bad behavior', yes, but it is of trifling scale when one considers the bad behavior that motivated it.

Moreover, the Misfits were building a reputation as a 'hard-nosed, take no prisoners, cutting-edge band' and could - in order to protect their reputation, and thus their value from a marketing perspective - have no other choice but to do SOMETHING about getting stepped on out of the blue. However, after getting hosed off on the scale they were, it strikes me as pretty lame that they'd settle for just running her off the road... but I digress.

As I saw it, Aja should not have lost control from a mere sideswipe - especially considering they weren't going very fast and how she was said to be such a good driver. In that light, it stands to reason that they INTENTIONALLY swerved off the road after the Misfits' clumsy attempt at revenge, and then turned that into a free publicity boon with their 'rescue' by long-time lackey and sometime boyfriend, Rio, who for some reason just HAPPENED to be on the same stretch of road. Going deeper, it stands to reason that Jerrica would have anticipated the Misfits reaction - even COUNTED on it. This would allow her to play the 'victim' of the Misfits rage, and garner some sympathy. The Misfits played right into her hands, and she plays the events to the hilt.

It is here that Jem, in truth Jerrica, begins to slip with her 'secret identity' as she behaves with Rio in the guise of Jem with the same familiarity she has with him as Jerrica - and as icing on the cake reacts with sadness when he rebukes her advances. Jem of course would not have this intimacy enjoyed by Jerrica; as to him Jem is a total stranger. She pretty much beats him over the head with it the whole series and seems to delight in confounding his integrity by having him cheat ON her WITH her, and the dope pretty much does whatever he's told from that day on out of sheer guilt. He goes from being an occasional audio engineer with daddy's company to being a complete slave, as he is forced to be the road manager for 'Jem' among... other duties, without a whiff of a paycheck - or even gratitude.

Bottom Line: Manipulating people for your own gain is widely considered as evil.

Continue to Example Six